- 5 Min AI
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- There’s a growing gap between AI have's and have not's
There’s a growing gap between AI have's and have not's
AI News
The National Security Agency is warning U.S. tech companies to beware of foreign adversaries attempting to steal AI technology.
AI scams are rapidly spreading across the county. Natalie Tease picked up the phone to hear her daughter’s voice screaming hysterically, ‘Mom help me, help me.’
There’s a growing gap between AI have's and have not's. Recent research shows the gap in AI adoption between large and small companies continues to grow - larger organizations now are twice as likely as smaller organizations to have deployed AI. Artificial Intelligence-as-a-Service (AIaaS) platforms help SMBs get started.
How California and other states are tackling AI legislation. Bills introduce new protections when AI or other automated systems are used to help make consequential decisions—whether a worker receives a bonus, a student gets into college, or a senior receives their public benefits. These systems, often working opaquely, are increasingly used in a wide variety of impactful settings and can cause harms in healthcare, housing advertising, and hiring.
The European Parliament has decided to move forward with the AI Act - and under a provision added two weeks ago, AI companies will have to disclose if they are using any copyrighted materials to train or develop their systems.
Artificial intelligence will completely change the nature of campaigning.
Walmart is using an AI chatbot to automatically negotiate some of their supplier deals.
AI Learning
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers in partnership with OpenAI and DeepLearning.ai
Federal agencies have adopted guidelines for the responsible use of AI:
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) published a Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
The Department of Defense’s (DOD) Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence
U.S. Agency for International Development’s Artificial Intelligence Action Plan
AI Events
Rocky Mountain AI Interest Group:
May 9 - Creativity/AI Art/Copyright
May 23 - 'Chat Tank' AI Startup Pitch Night
The Misalignment Museum imagines a post-apocalyptic world where AGI has already destroyed most of humanity. Scheduled to run until 1 May 2023.
The Museum of AI: pop-up performances and AI salons that use humor to demystify the technology. New Show: AI Spy with my ChatGPT Eye @ Denver FRINGE June 8-11. Tickets on sale May 1.